
Massage Therapist / Bodyworker in Tampa, FL

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Hyde Park Massage

Hyde Park Massage | Massage Therapist / Bodyworker photo
Best Massage in Tampa Bay.. or It's Free!
Across from MacDintons on Howard Ave. .. I use all my techniques to create the perfect massage for you! Call or text noon to midnight! Appointment only have ya ever had guided meditation? Ask about it, I have packages, $3oo for 4 90 min massages! Normal price is $480! Or if you are pre or post natal, it's only $200 for 4 sessions!..
Nursing assistant for 20 yrs.. Licensed LMT for 6 in Fl. South Tampa location. I have worked in juvenile detention, nursing, psych, and am a freelance artist.
abmp , chamber of comerse, angis list...
Payments Accepted
CC/ paypal check or cash
Hours:Noon to midnight
$85 an hour/ $120 90 min, 150 as long as it takes!
Angela Conley, Tampa
Jud Randall, owner of Hyde Park Massage LLC, is the only Massage Master I go to. I was in an auto accident in June of 2008 and also have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome plus Fibromyalgia. My body had hip and pelvic pain from the accident plus the continuous muscle pain of the Fibro. I had been to many body workers from myofascial pain therapist, chiropractors, energy workers and acupunture with only a couple of days relief. This continued for 2 1/2 years. I found Jud's web site at www.HydeParkMassage.com, and gave him a call. The appointment was set and I left knowing this guy knew what he was doing. He did not just talk the talk so to speak, he mapped out my body, felt where I needed the most work done and worked and tweeked my muscles and joints including feet. When I left my eyes where bright and I was exhausted, however, the next morning when I woke up I did not have one single pain anywhere and that continued for 5 days. I went back to him for 3 times a week for 2 weeks and now only need maintenance at times. He also accepts medical insurance with a prescription from my doctor.
Jud Randall is the Massage Master of Tampa.
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Massage Therapy  Oncology Massage
 Acupressure  Online / Video / Teletherapy
 Aromatherapy  Orthopedic Massage
 Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy  Pregnancy Massage
 Bodywork  Reflexology
 Corporate Chair Massage  Reiki
 COVID-19-Related Issues  Seniors and Elder Care
 Deep Tissue Massage  Shiatsu
 Geriatric Massage  Sports Massage
 Hot Stone Massage  Swedish Massage
 Infant Massage  Thai Yoga Massage
 Manual Lymph Drainage  Trager Approach / Movement Reeducation
 Myofascial Release  Trigger Point Massage
 Neuromuscular Massage
 Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)  Certified Massage Therapist (CMT)
 Certified Reiki Master  Geriatric Massage
 Healing Touch Certified Practitioner  Nurturing the Mother / Fertility Massage
 Trager Approach / Movement Re-education