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Alternative Therapist / Holistic Healer in Chicago, IL
Smelling the Difference, LLC
Mental Wellness in Chicago, IL
1325 S Wabash Ave
Suite 302
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As many people are now understanding the importance of mental health, there are so many new organizations and products produced to assist in navigating this lifelong journey. I have been a behavioral health clinician for over 20 years. I have had many successes with clients navigating their traumas and challenges. Occasionally, I will stumble upon someone who gets “stuck” in their situation or challenge and they struggle to move forward. Due to many years of experience and research, I realized I was not utilizing a critically important biological factor in therapy which is the olfactory system. The olfactory is the bodily structure that serves the sense of smell. This sense is incredibly powerful and can hold memories that people do not recall until the fragrance is presented to them, whether purposefully or by accident. I have found that I can use previously developed historical fragrances or create a new fragrance memory for the client to move them forward. I am able to use fragrances to uncover memories that have been challenging the client while assisting in moving the client forward. Additionally, due to fragrances being mobile, I can give the client the fragrance to take with them to continue their growth and development, empowering them to own their growth.
Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)
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Mon- fri: 8am- 8pm; sat: 9am-6pm; sun: 9am-7pm
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