Massage Therapist / Bodyworker in Marina del Rey, CA
Marci Javril, BCTMB, CMT, Cert: Bodywork | Massage Therapist / Bodyworker photo
Marci Javril, BCTMB, CMT, Cert: Bodywork
Feel Like Yourself Again
How to heal & recover from injury, surgery & illness
13428 Maxella Ave.   
Marina del ReyCA 90292
Practice Information
“Learn how to use your own hands, heart & head (Human Resources), to access the intrinsic gyroscope of optimal health. Your BodyTemple is the school, your Inner Voice is the teacher. I’m simply a catalyst to spark your passion for an enriching life.”

Discover your own ultimate vitality experience…
Take a healing journey with transformational tips, tools and techniques that will dramatically improve your well-being, give you more energy, accelerate disease & injury recovery, and keep you from getting sick in the first place.

Abundant Vitality: playful & practical way for getting & staying healthy.

Playshops & Trainings with Marci
Conferences, Seminars, Private Parties, TV/Radio, Podcast, Panels, Special Interest, Support Groups, Spa In-Service, Continuing Education, Corporate Trainings, In-House Intensive, Outreach Programs, Retreats

Re-create yourself!
Increase lymph circulation, boost immune system, heal old scars & injuries, let go of negative feelings, clear & focus mind, balance sexual appetite, build confidence & charisma, express your inner child.

BODY- activate the body’s natural rejuvenation
HEART- harmonize emotions & communication
MIND- focus mental intention & set goals
ENERGY- invigorate sexuality & reproductive health
SOUL- develop & integrate spiritual intuition

Co-create your own Ultimate Vitality Experience!
Marci offers inspirational talks, entertainment, seminars and interactive events for groups of all sizes. She draws on her 27+ years of expertise to choose just the right format for each situation. Her activities offer opportunities for Self-Transformation, and every participant learns how to tap into their intrinsic radiance, charisma, and vital energy flow.

Choose from a variety of topics, tips, tools + techniques:
Stress reduction; Lymph Massage & Detox; Hatha Yoga & Stretching; Healthy Foods; Breathing techniques; Cancer prevention & recovery; Dance & creative expression; Hoop Fitness; Compassionate Communication; Pregnancy, Labor & Infant Massage.

As a performing artist, Ms. Javril is intuitive and adaptable, and creates an inclusive comfort zone with respect and playfulness. See Dance Bio, Bodywork Credentials and detailed Resume for references.
 Flush Out Flu & Muck in 3 Days By Marci Javril, Vitality Expert
 Certified Massage Therapist (CMT)
 National Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)
License Info
Certified Massage Therapist CA30816
Marci Javril, BCTMB, CMT, CST;
Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork,
Certified Somatic Therapist with
..the Association of Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Certified in Bodywork for the Childbearing Year™
Movement Therapist & Performing Artist – B.A.
Certified in Hoopnotica® Dance Hoop Fitness
Ordained Minister with the Church of the Messengers of Light (501c)

B.C.T.M.B. -Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork since 1996 #053659-00
**Approved Category A Continuing Education Provider #295823-00 – 64 CEU’s in Lymphatic Massage, Internal Organs, Post-Surgical, Pregnancy, Labor, Infant Massage – through the National Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork

C.M.T. -Certified Massage Therapist in California #30816 since 2010

C.S.T. -Certified Somatic Therapist & Professional Member since 1992 #124678
- with ABMP: Associated Bodyworkers & Massage Professionals, Golden, CO, USA

Certified in Bodywork for the Childbearing Year™ - with Somatic Learning Associates, La Jolla, CA 1992

Ordained Spiritual Minister Certificate #117 -with The Church of the Messengers of Light, Inc (registered 501c Non-Profit)

Los Angeles City Business Tax Registration: Health Professional #850391-01, L-190
Worthwhile Referral Sources (previously Women’s Referral Service) – Active Member from 2003-2005
Institute of Integral Health (Lauren Berry Method®), Active Member since 1981
Certified Massage Technician – SOMA School, Oakland, CA 1980
Certified in C.P.R. and Red Cross – Los Angeles, CA 1992, 1994, 1996, 1999
American Dance Therapy Association – Associate Member from 1976 -1982
After 22 years of teaching Certifications Courses in lymphatic massage exclusively to health professionals, Marci now offers a hands-on self-care learning process easy to understand, simple to do, and gets great results. Recentlly, she released her eBook on Kindle – Feel Like yourself Again: heal & recover from injury surgery & illness – a compendium of her life’s work on this topic.

Ms. Javril began teaching creative movement at age 14, has worked with all ages and levels, and has collected a vast repertoire of modalities over 5 decades. Marci served on the faculty of 12 professional massage schools, developing certificate programs in lymph, liver & colon detox, and post-op massage that therapists have implemented for themselves and for their clients.

Over 30 years of affiliations with alternative health pros and doctors have given her hours of case studies from which she’s developed specific successful self-help programs. Ms. Javril teaches how to soften new AND old scars, dissolve adhesions, flush out swelling, and accelerate recovery from injury and surgery. Marci is Certified in Bodywork for the Childbearing Year®, and has been an integral part of 10 labors.

Ms. Javril has been a featured artist in many musical comedies and dance company performances throughout the USA, as well teaching in Japan and Europe. She has collaborated with video and computer animation technology in live performance as a soloist, with invitations to Arts & Science venues worldwide. Her formal training includes: tap, ballet, jazz, modern, capeoira, West African, Orixas samba & gymnastics. She drums, plays piano, sings, and loves scuba diving, salsa, mambo, fire-hooping, and skiing.

Her current passion is using the Dance Hoop as a partner in multi-level improvisation, nicknamed “360-degrees-of-Hooping”. Marci is a Certified Hoopnotica® Hoop Dance Fitness Teacher, and includes Hooping and Flow Arts Training in private, group & event experiences.

Ms. Javril is a life-long student of Integral Hatha Yoga with Gurudev Swami Satchidanda. Micro-movement studies in healing with Emilie Conrad‘s Continuum Dance Meditation deepened her personal and psycho-emotional experience.Her training in martial arts includes Tai Chu Chuan, Shorinji Karate, White Crane Qi Gong, Taoist & authentic Kriya Tantra Yoga practices. Interning with Brazilian healer Fatima Abate in Bio-Energetics, Ms. Javril became an ordained spiritual minister, and refined skills in the subtle world.
Payments Accepted
Cash, Local Check, Venmo, PayPal, SQUARE Register will take Credit Cards
mon-thurs 9-9, fri 9-5, occasionally sat/sun
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Massage Therapy
 COVID-19-Related Issues
 Craniosacral Therapy
 Infant Massage
 Manual Lymph Drainage
 Maya Abdominal Massage
 Medical Massage
 Myofascial Release
 Oncology Massage
 Online / Video / Teletherapy
 Pregnancy Massage
 Seniors and Elder Care
 SomatoEmotional Release
 Thai Yoga Massage
 Visceral Manipulation
 Yoga Therapy
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