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Massage Therapist / Bodyworker in Prescott, AZ
Annie Coomes, LMT, CST, NCTMB
Cranial Sacral Therapy for Adults, Children and Elderly
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334 N. MT Vernon
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Practice Information
Cranial Sacral therapy works with the anatomy of the nerv, brain and spinal chord and the connective tissue the connects the two. This technique is very subtle and happens on the inside of the body.
Holding the head, shoulders, hips releasing the connective tissue restrictions.
This technique was founded in Osteopathic medicine.
CST is beneficial for chronic pain, chronic disease, falls, injuries, anxiety and depression, TMJ dysfunction and more.
I have been specializing in trauma resolution for 14 years. CST has been the only technique that can reduce or eliminate trauma in the body. Safe and effective for babies, children and adults.
Sessions are usually an hour, children tend to only need a half hour.
Client remains clothed.
I look forward to working with you.
Please email me for complete details.
I can help your body "unlearn" the past pain experience.
Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)
National Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)
License Info
MT-06919 AZ
My love of this work stems from this history:
I graduated with a B.S. in Exercise Science from Ball State University in Muncie In.
Colorado Institute of Massage Therapy in Colorado Springs CO. Neuromuscular Trigger Point Therapy.
Polarity Center of Boulder CO Certification in Cranial Sacral Therapy a class that took 2 years!
Presently I am working towards CST work with infants and pregnant moms.
I first started my practice working with individuals with chronic pain.
Clients were receiving 75% reduction with their symptoms and pain levels.
But, I wanted them to have as close to 100% as possible.
So on the search for another therapy and Craniosacral therapy was in my vision
consistantly for weeks.
I received 6 months of both styles of CST.
And decided on Biodynamic CST.
The two styles differ, and I felt more attracted to biodynamic.
And still giving treatments 14 years later.
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Payments Accepted
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sheila layman, Seligman
a session w annie coomes is a session away from the cares of this world and into the realm into the spirit blessed world..........all your stress all your pain........all your fears are melted you are touched by the healing touch of this gifted must experience this treatment to believe it is unbrelieveable........i have not the words to desribe the power behind the healing hands of this woman annie ......but i can tell you for sure that w consistant apts w her ....there is no physical .....emotional....mental....spiritual .....or addictive problem that cant be healed on her table..........i have visited many healers of her nature and found none like this........i challenge you to give yourself an experience youll never forget by booking an apt w her.......your life will never be the same...........sheila
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