
Massage Therapist / Bodyworker in Sierra Vista, AZ

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Susan Szilvassy

Susan Szilvassy | Massage Therapist / Bodyworker photo
Alignment and balance in gravity increases body awareness
Arousing a feeling of, finally, being at home in your body!
My specialty: Structural Integration
Due to injury or less than healthy condition, the body becomes adversely affected by the constant force of gravity. Attempting to keep the person upright, over time negative patterns are created, layered with chronic pain, stiffness,...debility. This is one of the most significant principles of Structural Integration, the amazing creation of Dr. Ida Rolf.
Structural Integration is typically executed as a progression of ten sessions. Focus is on Fascia, connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, organs, and every other tissue. As the fascia returns to its healthy, hydrated state, every tissue encased in it is also rehabilitated. Although Dr. Rolf originally designed the SI Ten Series to work in sequence, I will validate each session to your unique needs.

Warning! Because it is an intense therapy, it is not recommended for people with heart conditions and severe osteoporosis.

You are in complete control of what happens in your sessions. At first, the discomfort might feel unbearable, just breath, it is only temporary as the fascia finally lets go,... after how many years?
1988 to 1989 Swedish Institute for Massage Therapy, New York City

1989 December New York State License for Massage Therapy
1990 to 1992 Certified in Neuromuscular Therapy with Paul St. John and Judith Walker
1999 Certified in Foot Reflexology

2005 to 2006 Certificate of Completion for Structural Integration from The School of Integrative
Therapies in Holmdel, New Jersey
2010 to Present Medical Massage Levels 1 to 5 by David Morin...ongoing
2011 KinesioTaping
2013 Orthopedic Massage
Due to a debilitating injury 2004, she was introduced to the Rolf Method of Structural Integration as developed by Ida P. Rolf. Thoroughly convinced, in 2005, she studied under Chuck Carpenter, Certified Advanced Rolfer, at the School of Integrative Therapies in Holmdel, New Jersey. Susan graduated as Structural Integration Practitioner in 2006.

Still loving every year of my journey as Self-Employed Massage Therapist since 1989, and Structural Integration Practitioner since 2006!
Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals www.abmp.com
Payments Accepted
Cash, checks, credit cards
Hours:Monday-saturday 10am-9pm, sunday 12p-9p
License:AZ MT-09970
Helpful Links
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Massage Therapy  Online / Video / Teletherapy
 Acupressure  Orthopedic Massage
 Aromatherapy  Pregnancy Massage
 Bodywork  Reflexology
 Corporate Chair Massage  Seniors and Elder Care
 COVID-19-Related Issues  Sports Massage
 Deep Tissue Massage  Structural Integration
 Hot Stone Massage  Swedish Massage
 Medical Massage  Trager Approach / Movement Reeducation
 Neuromuscular Massage  Trigger Point Massage
 Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)  Certified in Structural Integration