
Massage Therapist / Bodyworker in Madison, VA

Jackie Howell

Jackie Howell | Massage Therapist / Bodyworker photo
Providing Natural Options for Good Health Since 2002
Peaceful Hands Massage & Yoga
I'm here to help you find peace from pain, stress, and discomfort.

A Certified Massage Therapist since 2002, I use a blend of effective and proven massage modalities to create a session for you that is purely unique to your needs and health goals. In addition, I am a Certified Ayurvedic Health & Lifestyle Counselor and Yoga Instructor, practices which offer additional natural support for your healing, pain relief, and stress reduction.

While I am trained in many beneficial massage modalities, each of my massages is a unique treatment that is tailored to my client's specific needs. Most often, my sessions are a blend of wonderful and effective therapies including Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Therapy, Ayurvedic Massage, Myofascial Release, and Craniosacral Therapy. Hot Stones, used in the soothing Ayurvedic tradition, can be especially blissful when added to your session.

My Massage Studio is in downtown Madison, Virginia.

My yoga classes are a playful blend of hatha yoga techniques, infused with the spirit of Ayurveda, Anusara, Vinyasa Flow, and gentle Tibetan yoga traditions.

Yoga Classes, appropriate for beginners on up, are weekly in Madison, Virginia (at Wetsel Middle School) and in Orange, Virginia at Peaceful Hands Yoga Studio (145 Byrd Street, Orange).

I am also a certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle & Health counselor. I offer Ayurvedic Counseling, which includes a full report on your unique biologic and energetic makeup and how to make small changes to your diet, exercise, and lifestyle activities to enhance your good health. By playing to your own body's natural biology through your daily activities and diet, you can help maintain good health, better treat existing health conditions, and enjoy a more peaceful life.
I have a Bachelor's Degree from the University of North Dakota and am a 2002 graduate of the Virginia School of Massage.

I have also graduated from programs with the Upledger Institute and the American Institute of Vedic Studies. I am certified in Sport Yoga and have studied extensively in a variety of yoga traditions. And, I am a certified Reiki Master in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition.

I continue to study natural healing so that I may continue to offer these safe, natural, and effective healing treatments to my clients.
I'm a Nationally and State Certified Massage Therapist, Ayurvedic Health & Lifestyle Counselor, and Yoga Instructor serving Central Virginia.

My massage specialties include Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue & Myofascial Therapy, Ayurvedic Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Reiki, & Craniosacral Therapy.

My yoga classes are a playful blend of basic Hatha asanas, mixed with Anusara, Tibetan, Ayurvedic, & energy-based yoga. My classes are appropriate for all levels -- including people who are trying yoga for the very first time.

Incorporating massage and yoga into my own personal health routine in the 1990s was life-changing. I suffered from acute stress and vicious migraine headaches. My neck hurt a lot of time, disrupting my sleep and affecting my day-to-day activities. I wasn't quite "a mess" but I certainly felt like it on many days.

After beginning a regular massage routine and reacquainting myself with a long dormant yoga practice, I started to improve. One day, in 2001, I was lying on the massage table and I realized it had been weeks since I had last had a headache and my neck felt great, and hadn't bothered me in some time. I nearly cried with relief and joy. And, I thought to myself, "If I can help just one person feel as good as I do right now, I would do it." Within a few months, I had left my job and enrolled in massage school.

After graduating from massage school and establishing my practice, I enrolled in yoga teacher training. I continue to study and train in natural techniques that can improve and enhance one's health. It is a great joy and honor to share massage and yoga with people who are in pain, are under stress, or just need a natural and effective way to maintain their good health.
Virginia Board of Nursing (Certified Massage Therapist)
National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCTMB)
American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA)

Hospice of the Rapidan, Volunteer
Payments Accepted
Cash, Checks
Hours:Tuesday-Friday, Alternate Saturdays (Massage) Weekly Yoga in Madison & Orange, VA
License:0019003625 (Virginia Board of Nursing, Certified Massage Therapist)
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Massage Therapy  Myofascial Release
 Aromatherapy  Neuromuscular Massage
 Ayurvedic Bodywork  Online / Video / Teletherapy
 Bodywork  Orthopedic Massage
 Corporate Chair Massage  Pregnancy Massage
 COVID-19-Related Issues  Reflexology
 Craniosacral Therapy  Reiki
 Deep Tissue Massage  Seniors and Elder Care
 Geriatric Massage  Sports Massage
 Hot Stone Massage  Swedish Massage
 Certified Massage Therapist (CMT)  Certified Reiki Master
 National Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)
108 Schoolhouse Road, 201-D
MadisonVA 22727
Additional Location
145 Byrd Street
Yoga Studio
OrangeVA 22960