
Massage Therapist / Bodyworker in Sarasota, FL

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Heart And Sole Organics, Therapeutic Massage, Reflexology & Organic Skincare

Heart And Sole Organics, Therapeutic Massage, Reflexology & Organic Skincare | Massage Therapist / Bodyworker photo
The office is located at The Fountains at Lake Pointe Woods, a beautiful setting located right near Sarasota Square Mall. It is a senior living community with easy public access.

Cindy is a Certified Reflexologist, specializing in addressing the reflexes of the hands and feet, when worked stimulate a healing process in that area of the body. I am a licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist, and also a licensed Aesthetician with a special focus in Holistic, Organic skin and bodycare.
I educate my clients on the importance of organic skin and bodycare products, it is very important to nourish the skin with "skin food" rather than slathering your body with harmful chemicals, that absorb directly into the blood stream. Organic beauty helps to keep your body healthier while maintaining a more beautiful and glowing complexion... you wouldn't put anything on your skin that you wouldn't want to put in your body!
Licensed as an Aesthetician through the Aesthetics certification program at The Florida College of Natural Health in 2003, and holds a Full Specialty License by completing a Nail Specialty Certification graduating in The Florida Keys Community Adult Education program in 2002.

Studying the applications of protocols in The Science of Reflexology within both programs, sparked a decade of research and study, while beginning to incorporate Reflexology therapeutically in her skin and nailcare professions she eventually began a Certification program at The International Institue of Reflexology in St. Petersburg, Fl in 2007 where she became a Certified Reflexologist in 2010, upon following immediately enrolled in the Massage Therapy program at Manatee Technical Institue in Lakewood Ranch, FL, with a special focus in clinical massage, graduated and became a Licensed Massage Therapist in 2011.
Payments Accepted
Cash or check
Hours:10:00am-6:00pm Mon. thru Sat.
By Appointment Only
Helpful Links
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Massage Therapy  Neuromuscular Massage
 Acupressure  Online / Video / Teletherapy
 Aromatherapy  Orthopedic Massage
 Bodywork  Pregnancy Massage
 Corporate Chair Massage  Reflexology
 COVID-19-Related Issues  Seniors and Elder Care
 Deep Tissue Massage  Sports Massage
 Geriatric Massage  Swedish Massage
 Hot Stone Massage  Trager Approach / Movement Reeducation
 Myofascial Release
 Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)
The Fountain's at Lake Pointe Woods
3240 Lake Pointe Blvd.
SarasotaFL 34277