The bamboo cane replaces the therapist's hands, and it is used to give a deep, firm massage. The cane is held by the therapist and rolled over the muscle with the same strokes they would use with their hands. The muscle is then kneaded, which assists in the release of tension and easing of knots. Massage practitioners often use the whole arm from elbow to wrist, and the use of the bamboo cane replaces this technique.
Known for its healing properties, this massage works at all levels to balance, calm and energise you physically, mentally and spiritually.
If you're looking for a rejuvenating massage treatment, there's nothing better than the green bamboo massage therapy. Considered to be one of the most multifaceted plants on earth, bamboo has earned its reputation from its holistic and soft appearance, as well as its perseverance under harsh conditions. Known to symbolise strength, fertility, youth, prosperity and peace in the Orient, this plant has become one of the most coveted beauty ingredients of recent times.
What is it?
Bamboo massage is an innovative way to provide Swedish or deep tissue massage using heated bamboo to roll and knead the tissue to create an extreme sensation of relaxation and well-being. Bamboo massage is also used as a powerful preventive therapy against modern-day stress and to aid relief from many physical and emotional problems.