Maya Abdominal Massage

The Arvigo® techniques were developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN. based on her apprenticeship with the Maya healer Don Elijio Panti and her own education, training, and research as a naprapathic physician. Rosita's lifework, THE ARVIGO TECHNIQUES OF MAYA ABDOMINAL THERAPY®, help to restore the body to its natural balance by correcting the position of organs that have shifted and restrict the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and chi energy. Today the Arvigo® techniques are employed by Arvigo® Practitioners across the globe bringing the benefits of natural healing to their clients. Arvigo Therapy is an abdominal massage treatment which aims to create an environment of homeostasis in the pelvic region and stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself. By re-aligning reproductive and abdominal organs into their appropriate anatomical positions, breaking up soft tissue adhesions (such as scar tissue), increasing blood flow to the pelvic region and remove excess pressure from blood and lymph vessels in the area, Arvigo sessions can dramatically improve the functionality of the structures and systems of our core. Arvigo Therapy is used to treat both women and men with issues such as infertility, fibroids, IBS, endometriosis, organ prolapse, ED, digestive concerns and emotional imbalance, though it can greatly benefit many other conditions both common and complex. Due to the sensitive and moving nature of this work, clients can sometimes experience emotional effects during or after treatment.