Monique Mills, LMT

The Connection Between Chronic Stress and Fatigue

Do you stop to notice any areas of your body that feel tense or painful? Do you react with negative thoughts and emotions to certain situations? Over time, mental and physical stress can contribute to chronic fatigue. Massage Therapy is very beneficial for both types of tension.

How you respond to situations causes stress and there are many different types of stressors (factors that cause the stress).The most common mental stressors are: Job related issues, family, finances, relationships, health, busyness, and the loss of loved ones. Negative emotions can be stored your muscle tissue. For example, back pain can be caused by an accumulation of negative emotions and tension.

You can become stressed when your body has to over work without the proper rest, water, or nutrients that you need. The most common physical stressors are: illness, pain, poor lifestyle choices, not listening to your body and toxins that are in your body. Over worked muscles also cause tension and can lead to a muscle imbalance. A muscle imbalance is when one group of muscles is stronger than the opposing group of muscles. Muscle imbalances can cause pain and increase the risk of injury.

The endocrine and nervous systems control stress reactions. Uncontrolled mental and physical stress can cause the adrenal glands to become exhausted from releasing too much of the stress hormones (adrenaline and cortisol). This can also depress the immune system and increase your risk of contracting other infections or illness. If your body becomes overstressed you can quickly feel depleted and exhausted.

How is massage therapy beneficial for stress and fatigue? Massage treatments can help to prevent the accumulation of stress in the body and give you a sense of “calm energy”. It can also help to restore proper muscle tone and balance. Massage helps you to relax, manage pain, promote blood circulation throughout the body, and promote better awareness of mind and body. Blood circulation is important because it involves the transport of vital nutrients (from diet and supplements) throughout the body. Restrictions in blood flow can contribute to fatigue and other disorders.