Massage Therapist / Bodyworker in Shawnee, KS
Tamara Creighton, LMT, NCTMB, AADP, CHHP | Massage Therapist / Bodyworker photo
Tamara Creighton, LMT, NCTMB, AADP, CHHP
Specializing in Therapeutic and Stress-Relieving Massage
Office at Your Wellness Connection--Shawnee, KS
7410 Switzer   
ShawneeKS 66203
Practice Information
Massage styles/specialties:

Of all massage, Hawaiian lomilomi was my first love. I learned lomi, and loved it so much I went to massage school. I love lomi because it is so deeply rejuvenating to the whole person. I have seen lomi “unstick” what was stuck whether it’s in the physical body, the emotions or the mind. When I was in massage school and had moved to the advanced level, I was given many clients that had been getting massage regularly but were coming in with the same complaints. Lomi can help shift that.

I use hot stones to ground and warm the body, and guided visual imagery to help you unravel what’s stuck and envision a new story for yourself. All of this is customized—because everyone needs something different. If you have not tried lomi, I highly encourage you to do so!

I also do a very comprehensive Swedish massage, and most always mix in deep tissue techniques depending on what your body needs. I use some orthobionomy techniques to help retrain muscles to return to their normal state of tone (thus relieving pain and soreness in opposing muscles), as well as passive range of motion and stretching. I always give attention to the head, hands and feet—to me, a massage isn’t as satisfying without it. And, when needed, I’ll also incorporate some abdominal work.

One of the key things I learned in massage school is that often “where it hurts is not where the problem is.” So I’m good at being a detective, and spending time making what hurts feel better, and being sure to work on the opposing muscle groups to relieve what’s actually causing pain.

I also offer Raindrop therapy. Raindrop combines the powerful energetic, immune-supportive, and detoxifying properties of essentials oils to affect positive changes in the body--essentially helping the body to rebalance and return to a normal, vital state. Most people think of essential oils as aromatherapy--the stuff that smells good--but aren't as aware that essential oils are literally the unique "medicine" of particular plants, trees, flowers, roots and fruits in their most concentrated form. We apply about 150 drops of 10 different essential oils that work together to balance all systems of the body energetically. I've found Raindrop to be especially helpful for those that have chronic conditions like recurring headaches, pain, infections, stress (including emotional and traumatic) and forms of inflammation.

Clients typically feel a greater sense of wellbeing after a session, feel rebalanced and rejuvenated, experience a reduction of pain, are able to rest better, and find their immune systems are more effective. Most feel the benefits immediately and find they last a week or longer, and will repeat as necessary until the body settles into a new place of balance.

And my newest service...Bellanina Face Lift massage! The most luxurious and effective method of toning and tightening muscles of the face without surgery.

If this resonates with you, schedule a session today!
 Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)
 National Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)
BMSI Insttitute, Overland Park, KS -- 500+ hours in massage therapy
Hawaiian Lomilomi with Cuky Choquette Harvey
Orthopedic massage with James Waslewski
Esalen style massage -- continuing ed at MTTI
Bellanina Face Lift massage
Tamara says it was her first high school biology class that got her hooked on the miracle of the human body. “I remember learning about the digestive system—the anatomy and chemistry and how it all worked without us even being aware—and wondered at the brilliance of it all. I knew then that I wanted to pursue a career in medicine.” Tamara went on to Millikin University, achieving a bachelor’s degree in biology/pre-medicine and graduating cum laude. But as she looked at medical schools, she became disillusioned with medicine in the traditional sense. “The more people I met in traditional medicine, the more I was struck by the fact that many people were more motivated by ego than by truly helping people. And I knew that wasn’t me.”

Instead she decided to pursue the “business side of science” and focused her energies on working in and helping to grow various businesses. “I realized I had a forte for business processes, growing and managing staff, and seeing the big picture, which was rare.” Still, her love of medicine continued and she was introduced to chiropractic care after suffering chronic neck pain following two car accidents. “Chiropractic care just opened up a whole new world for me…I had never really been exposed to alternative therapies like chiropractic or acupuncture. It made a huge difference in me physically; I was hooked!“ Tamara spent the next fifteen years seeking out practitioners in various modalities personally and studying on them in her spare time. “I couldn’t get enough—I wished I would have known there were other options besides traditional medicine when I was in college.”

After over twenty successful years in business, Tamara decided to honor a life-long dream to help others heal, choosing holistic nutrition and bodywork as the foundations for her practice. She enrolled in the Holistic Nutrition Consultant’s program at the Midwest Institute of Natural Healing studying with the school’s founder, Carmelita Davis-Beets. Tamara says, “Carmelita was an inspiration, and I’ll be eternally grateful to her for starting this program. It has truly jumpstarted my dreams and calling to be a healer.” Tamara also chose to study massage therapy at BMSI Institute and with Cuky Harvey--with an emphasis in Hawaiian lomilomi.

“The needs are so great…people need help and they want information. The essence of my practice is to help those seeking wellness to find it. I want to be a place people come to be heard, find answers, and be well.”
Payments Accepted
Cash, check, credit cards gladly accepted
M, W, Th and one Sat/mo, other times by appt
$60-$125 based on amount of time and type of treatment
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Massage Therapy
 Corporate Chair Massage
 COVID-19-Related Issues
 Deep Tissue Massage
 Geriatric Massage
 Hawaiian Temple Massage
 Hot Stone Massage
 Manual Lymph Drainage
 Myofascial Release
 Neuromuscular Massage
 Online / Video / Teletherapy
 Orthopedic Massage
 Positional Release Therapy
 Pregnancy Massage
 Seniors and Elder Care
 Sports Massage
 Swedish Massage
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